Once you've completed the Quick Tour view and notified your KiwiSchools Account Manager, you'll receive your login details: email address and password. You'll need to use these any time you (or a colleague) chooses to edit your site.
Keep these handy but private. You don't want just anybody hacking away at your precious school website!
Your site has an Admin Login link in the footer. Click this and you'll be prompted for the email address of your account (which won't necessarily be your own email, please note) and password.
Once you're logged in, you're in Edit mode and the screen changes, with new options available so you can make changes. In particular, note:
Toolbar in shades of dark grey, on left of screen.
Editor menu, in blue above.
That when you mouse over sections (elements) of an editable page, you see the boundaries of each and can click to edit text, in,for example, a Title or Text box.
Getting back to this page
When we ask you to visit other pages on the site to mak, obviously, you'll leave this page :-) So, you have these options to return:
Click on the page you want to go to, take a look there, then click on the "back" button on your browser to bring you back here!
Click on the page you want to go to, take a look there, then click on Editing your site* on the menu and you're back here!
Open this page in a two Tabs in your browser, so you can switch back and forth between the Editing your site* page and whatever page you're viewing in the other Tab! This is the trickiest but definitely the preferred method, so feel free to "practice makes perfect" with it.
Pages you can not edit
You will notice that some pages have an asterisk * next to the Menu label e.g. Contact Us* These pages are created as part of the website build and rarely if never change, so editing is disabled to prevent accidental changes!
If you attempt to edit one of these page in Editor mode i.e. when you have logged in, you will see an image similar to the one on the left. Pages you can not edit are indicated with the red, crossed circle icon.
If you need any changes to an asterisked page, just touch base with your Account Manager or email [email protected]
Your first edit: Home page text
Click on the Home link of your site's main menu - up on the left of your site, not the editor menu, which is blue. This will take you to the Home page, of course. When you get there, try clicking on various text boxes... make a few changes... don't worry if it doesn't look perfect at this stage - you're just getting the feel of the Editor. When you're done, return to this page using the back button, Main menu, or switching Tabs.
Photo fun!
Time to upload a photo or two.
When you click on Our Photos, you'll see we've uploaded a couple of pics already so you get the picture (joke!) of how it will look later.
You'll need a suitable photo to upload now, so locate one on your computer.
You can Add a link, or Add a caption (only appears on full/enlarged view), or Delete each image... Try adding a caption. (Red arrow)
You can also ADD a new photo or more... try that. (Blue arrow)
You can also adjust settings for existing photos... try that (Orange arrow)
Now, remember you're EDITING, not an end user viewing the site. Take a look at how the site will look to them by click on the PREVIEW button, top right hand of your browser. You'll see how the photo looks in "thumbnail" view, then, when you click on it, how good (we hope!) it looks at full size :-)
Note: People in schools take LOTS of photos. The gallery you're working with right now is not designed to handle that many images. We have alternative options for managing hundreds of photos... have a chat to your Account Manager about these.